email due diligence

Email Due Diligence

24 states and growing reference electronic contact for unclaimed property compliance. We can help you be compliant with the latest electronic contact laws and reduce your total cost of compliance.

Did you know…

Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (RUUPA)

The uniform act has references to electronic contact for due diligence:

  • Section 202 (Tax-Deferred Retirement Accounts)

  • Section 204 (Custodial Accounts for Minors)

  • Section 208 (Securities)

  • Section 501 (Notice to Apparent Owner)

RUUPA States

12 states (and growing) have enacted RUUPA:

  • (2017/2018) Utah, Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky

  • (2019/2020) Maine, Colorado, Vermont

  • (2021/2022) Wisconsin, North Dakota, Indiana, DC, Washington

Other States

11 other states have references to electronic contact:

  • California

  • Idaho

  • Iowa

  • Maryland

  • Montana

  • Nevada

  • New York

  • Ohio

  • Oregon

  • Pennsylvania

  • South Dakota

Why use Email Due Diligence

Reduce Cost

Reduce your first class and certified mailing costs by 20-40% with increased reunification through electronic due diligence, prior to mailing due diligence letters.

Faster Claims

Online claims portal, reduce the costs associated with claims processing.

Increase Reunification

Offset costs for banking and brokerage accounts by maximizing reunification, retaining assets under management (AUM) and reducing customer churn.

Owner Contact

We contact owners from our domain or from the holder domain to increase owner reunification rates. We handle claims processing or can direct owners directly to the holder. Templates are updated to reflect state specific language and all templates can be customized with holder logo and branding.


Fill out the form and we’d be happy to walk you through a demo and help you improve your unclaimed property compliance practices while reducing costs using electronic due diligence.